Friday, August 31, 2007

RBBB Menagerie 1949 (From Dominic Yodice)

RB1949, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here are three photos of the Ringling menagerie in 1941 and 1949. They will illustrate the comments made by Bob Sabia and Richard Reynolds concerning the difference of the menagerie decor for these years.
The 1949 photo showing the "jungle " theme is actually a Paramount Studios photo. It was taken in 1949 when Demille was on the show for several weeks doing research for "The Greatest Show On Earth".
Unfortunately by the time they started filming in 1951, the menagerie was moved into the front end of the Big Top. I guess it was too cramped in there to do any filming. You do however see the giraffe pens and one of the opened ammo cage in the background when Heston runs in to stop Sebastian from killing himself. You also get to see the gorilla cage behind Frank McClosky and Heston when Hutton is doing her one arm flanges

RBBB Menagerie 1941 #1

scan0027, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The 1941 photos are in Madison Square Garden and show how the panels were opened and made an unbroken display, much like a zoo enclosure.
Dom Yodice

RBBB Menagerie 1941 #2

scan0028, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Assorted elephant pictures #1 (From Bill Strong)

Al G, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The lead team is "Vance" and "Ruth" bringing a load from the train with Al G. Barnes about 1934.

Assorted elephant pictures #2

#1a Dailey Bros, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Written on the back:
"Butch" and the Indian that came with him."

Also written on the back:
"Dad White's writing above (age 92). Dailey Bros. sent an elephant to the GOP Convention. I forgot the name of the President. The elephant was a bit larger than "Butch".

Assorted elephant pictures #3

#1-Billy Sunday, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Seils-Sterling Circus about 1937.
Verna Lindermann and Leroy Schrader with "Billy Sunday".

Assorted elephant pictures #4

#2 no info, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Assorted elephant pictures #5

Marvin 12-24-51 on back, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Written on the back:
"Marvin Dec. 24, 1951."

The big elephant is "Feida" and the punk is either "Dorothy" or "Elizabeth". The James M. Cole Circus having closed the previous year, this was now an independent elephant act. Buckles

Assorted elephant pictures #6

#3a Ringling '49, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Written on the back:
"Ringling Bros. elephants, Sioux Falls, S.D. August 25, 1949."

Assorted elephant pictures #7

#2a Ringling, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Written on the back:
"Ringling pygmy bulls 1934"

This date is incorrect, these three Africans arrived in 1936. The male "Congo" died after the first season.


From Erik Jaeger

Elephants, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I came across this photo the other day, thought you might be able to date it from the African elephant. It appears they are awaiting to move into the menagerie tent when it is finished, still wearing the collar chains. Fantastic web site, keep up the good work!
All the best,

"These two Africans "Puqua" and "Sudan" imported to the Ringling Show in 1936 and I would say this photo taken the following year.
"Barnum Queen" is the anchor elephant. She was imported to Barnum & Bailey about 1894 and later made the 5 year European Tour with that show. After WW1 she and three more elephants were sold to the Hagenbeck Zoo to replenish their supply of animals and ironically made a fifth crossing of the Atlantic Ocean when purchased by Charlie Sparks in 1923.
I have no further record of her after 1942." Buckles

Thursday, August 30, 2007

From Jim Cole

scan0004, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Lucio Cristiani on Rudy Bros. Circus in 1973. This is a great picture from an unidentified photographer. Lucio passed away in 1992, however his lovely wife Gilda is living in Sarasota. Their two son's Tino and Armando and their children are still out on the road performing separately. There are feature articles about both of these families in the new CFA website:

From Gary Brophy #1

Linus poster, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hello Buckles,
My great grandfather Silas Bibby (Beebe) was with Bostocks. He left the show when they were in Melbourne Australia.
1904-1906? He had a horse with the show called Linus the long haired horse.
I think the horse came from America. I was wondering if you or your readers may have any info or photos to share here.
The photo was taken in Melbourne.
Gary Brophy

From Gary Brophy #2

Silas Bibby, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My Grandfather Burt Bibby and Great Grandfather Silas Bibby with Linus the long haired horse.

Unusual Horses #1 (From Buckles)

SAVE2292, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Gary, this is obviously the same picture as yours above.
My knowledge of horses is nil and my father's was about the same but he was very good at dates and places. He wrote on the back of this:

"Linus" horse with long mane and tail at Pan-American Exposition- Buffalo, N.Y. 1901.
Sold to Frank E. Bostock and taken to England.

Unusual Horses #2

Scan000010081, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This looks to be a post card, the photographer's address at left is in Lewiston, Maine but no date.

Unusual Horses #3

Scan000010082, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My dad wrote on the back:
"W.H. Coulter Famous Railroad Show 1911. Long tailed horse.
Man 3rd from left is Jas. Irwin (or Irving) well known Boss Hostler and uncle of the late Art Eldridge."

Unusual Horses #4

Scan000010083, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

In case you can't make out the print below, it states:
"The $25,000 Hairless Wonder, Blue Bell".

Unusual Horses #5

Scan000010084, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Inscription says:
"Imperial Prince" long maned mounted horse.
I don't see a rider so it must mean he is stuffed.

Unusual Horses #6

Scan000010085, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Shannon" and family have been on vacation for over a week now, visiting his inlaws up in Kentucky. On the way he visited his buddy Randy Peterson in Memphis who is in charge of the three C&B elephants with Universoul. They should be back any time since Pat and Ryan have to be in school Monday.
The reason I bring this up is because I have been at the mercy of the computer all this time and so far so good. Maybe the machine has turned over a new leaf."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Circus World 1976 (From David Chabria)

Circus World 1976, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles

Many people in the industry know me from different times in my career. From the “Pirates of the Sky”, the “Centrons”, from my twenty three year marriage to Christine Fossett, and from my past ten years with Cirque du Soleil’s “O” show at the Bellagio.

I wonder how many of you remember me from the “Jocko” years. I’m attaching a photo of me in the long mount at Circus World in 1976. I’m on the left at age nineteen.

David Chabria

David Chabira

Head of Rigging “O”

Cirque du Soleil - Bellagio

Desk: (702) 693-7750

Cell: (702) 528-3573

Fax: (702) 693-7119

Ringling Bros. Answers Back!

Kenneth Feld and Ringling Brothers have filed a counter suit to the one brought about by the ASPCA and other animal rights groups against Ringling Brothers. In their suit, Ringling Brothers is charging the animal rights groups with collusion
, fraud and bribery. All violations under the Federal RICO Act.

Bostock Animals #1 (From Joey Ratliff)

bostock souv, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here is the postcard I mentioned earlier this week. I am also including a few from Frank Bostock's 1904 book.


"This picture corresponds with an earlier unidentified picture I submitted and all I can say is, I'm glad I never had to carry a prop like that from town to town. Joey, my eMail address is:"


Bostock Animals #2

bostock ele2 - Copy, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Bostock Animals #3

bostock bear, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Bostock Animals #4

bostock tiger, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Bostock Animals #5

bostock lion, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Herman Weedon #1 (From Buckles)

MAIL0384, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I ran these last 4 pictures several years ago to considerable response.
They were identified as having been taken at the Selig Zoo in Los Angeles.
I received an eMail from Mr. Weedon's grand daughter asking for more information and if she still visits the blog, this connection with Bostock might answer some of her questions.

Herman Weedon #2

MAIL0383, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Herman Weedon #3

MAIL0381, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Herman Weedon #4

MAIL0382, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

From Robert Perry #1

con colleano, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

A photo of Con Colleano, Con was a good friend of my dad Alby Perry, my dad was also a good wire walker doing the Foward. Con & dad used to hang out in the outback of Australia before Con went overseas

From Robert Perry #2

wayne larey wirth's circus, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is a poster with Wayne Larey who was with Wirth's in 1939 from the USA.

Fropm Robert Perry #3

stan gill sergio lorne green, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My good friend Stanley Gill, Sergio, TV star the late Lorne Green, Mary Gill who now lives on the gold coast Australia, do not know the name of the catcher far right.

Circus World 1977 #1 (From Eric Beheim)

CW-1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Today’s photos from Circus World motivated me to scan View-Master’s Circus World packet. It is copyright 1977, so these photos were either taken in 1976 or 1977. Ironically, 1977 was also the year that View-Master stopped using Kodachrome and switched over to using color print film, thus assuring that the colors in all subsequent View-Master reels will eventually fade away to red. Although these photos are faded too, perhaps Shannon can reach into his bag of digital magic tricks and restore them. Besides yourself, all the Circus World alumni who are regular contributors to the blog should be able to provide the rest of us with full particulars as to who and what is shown in these photos.

Circus World 1977 #2

CW2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #3

CW4, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #4

CW10, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #5

CW11, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #6

CW20, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #7

CW8, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #8

CW15, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 # 9

CW17, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #10

CW14, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #11

CW19, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #12

CW7, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Circus World 1977 #13

CW18, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ringling-Barnum 1949 #1 (Photos by George Piercy)

Scan000010072, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Gone were the days of the beautifully scrolled cages. Here we see they have been replaced by WW2 surplus ammunition carriers.

Ringling-Barnum 1949 #2

Scan000010073, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Joe Grassi at left, I remember him, a tough little guy. He didn't get along with Smokey and when I visited the show in 1955 he had moved over to ringstock.
The African is the often mentioned "Emily".

Ringling-Barnum 1949 #3

Scan000010074, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

History tells us that 1948 was the last season the Ringling Show made money under canvas. Art Concello was already starting to trim things down.
There were 30 elephants in this herd (6 fewer then the year before) and by 1951, not only was the herd down to 25 (only 2 cars) but the menagerie had been moved into the front of the big top.
The elephant herd was vastly enlarged for the final two seasons (1955-56) but by then the die was cast.

Ringling-Barnum 1949 #4

Scan000010075, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

An open air menagerie means either the show had a late arrival or a tight lot.
Not only was gasoline cheaper but programs only cost a quarter.