Friday, August 31, 2007

From Erik Jaeger

Elephants, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I came across this photo the other day, thought you might be able to date it from the African elephant. It appears they are awaiting to move into the menagerie tent when it is finished, still wearing the collar chains. Fantastic web site, keep up the good work!
All the best,

"These two Africans "Puqua" and "Sudan" imported to the Ringling Show in 1936 and I would say this photo taken the following year.
"Barnum Queen" is the anchor elephant. She was imported to Barnum & Bailey about 1894 and later made the 5 year European Tour with that show. After WW1 she and three more elephants were sold to the Hagenbeck Zoo to replenish their supply of animals and ironically made a fifth crossing of the Atlantic Ocean when purchased by Charlie Sparks in 1923.
I have no further record of her after 1942." Buckles


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your wealth of information, Erik

Anonymous said...

Richard Reynolds says - -

I think this is the 1938 Barnes-Sells Floto show after the RBBB attractions were added. The wagons and cages in the background look like Barnes to me. RBBB sent Queen and the two Africans, Sudan and Puqua, to B-S/F in the augmentation. That is Sudan nearest the camera with Puqua behind. Again note Sudan’s large fan like ears as opposed to the smaller rounded ones of the forest elephant. When you see them together – ears that is - - the difference is readily apparent.