Monday, August 27, 2007

Ringling-Barnum 1949 #3

Scan000010074, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

History tells us that 1948 was the last season the Ringling Show made money under canvas. Art Concello was already starting to trim things down.
There were 30 elephants in this herd (6 fewer then the year before) and by 1951, not only was the herd down to 25 (only 2 cars) but the menagerie had been moved into the front of the big top.
The elephant herd was vastly enlarged for the final two seasons (1955-56) but by then the die was cast.


Anonymous said...

I remember that 5-pole top with the menagerie in the front end. Not a bad arrangement for a show cutting away at excess.

Anonymous said...

Only problem was all the noise made when tearing down and moving out the menagerie during the evening performance. Maybe why if the weather was nice,they would put it outside?
Alot of photos have turned up over the years with it outside.
Also lots of stories of the new seat wagons making a mess on soft and muddy lots.