Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Circus World 1976 (From David Chabria)

Circus World 1976, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles

Many people in the industry know me from different times in my career. From the “Pirates of the Sky”, the “Centrons”, from my twenty three year marriage to Christine Fossett, and from my past ten years with Cirque du Soleil’s “O” show at the Bellagio.

I wonder how many of you remember me from the “Jocko” years. I’m attaching a photo of me in the long mount at Circus World in 1976. I’m on the left at age nineteen.

David Chabria

David Chabira

Head of Rigging “O”

Cirque du Soleil - Bellagio

Desk: (702) 693-7750

Cell: (702) 528-3573

Fax: (702) 693-7119


GaryHill said...

I remember you.