Friday, March 08, 2019



Chic Silber said...

Very nice to have that fly

attached to the pony top

to provide cover to folks

awaiting their turn

Chic Silber said...

I have no idea where

or when this was from

Same as most of today

Perhaps some Hugo fans

might help out here

Roger Smith said...

To my eye, this is very representative of a vintage tent show. I'm guessing this is the early 1950s, bearing a charm all its own.

That Animal attraction @ R doesn't look set up for a pit show. More likely a ding.

Lance Shockley said...

This is probably the 1950s Carson and Barnes operated by Jack Moore. I understand in 1969 when D.R. Miller consolidated his animals and equipment into one large show he decided the Al G Kelly and Miller Bros name had run its course and he arranged with Jack Moore's widow to use the Carson and Barnes title.