Saturday, March 09, 2019



Tony Greiner said...

Is this a Javanese rhino? I don't see a horn, but maybe one was cut off?

Chic Silber said...

I believe it's a baby White Rhino

that was born at the San Diego Zoo

Chic Silber said...

Same as shown with mama

in the previous image #11

Paul Gutheil said...

This is an Indian Rhino with the horn worn way down. Bessie a beloved resident of the Bronx Zoo for many years was of the same species and had her horn down much like this.

Richard Reynolds said...

This is an Indian rhino enjoying a shower.

As information there has never been a Javan rhino in USA. As far as my extensive research shows, only 5 zoos have ever had one:

Adelaide,Australia; London,England; Cologne,Germany; Calcutta,India;and Madras,India