Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Capt. Eddie Kuhn

My name is Patrick Kuhn, Captain Eddie was my Grand father, My father was Edward Perry Kuhn Jr who is no lomger with us. I was glad to come across this post as I am very proud of my grand father and we traveled with him when I was young on his carnival "K&K Shows". I have not heard from aunt Jeanne since Joyce passed.

"This picture taken while on the Cristiani Show."


Bob Karczewski said...

I remember seeing Eddie Kuhn's cat act on King Brothers Circus when they played Traverse City on WednesdayJuly 20th, 1966.The show also had a Hippo Pit show. Does anyone know what show the Hippo was on prior to the 1966 season?

Dick Flint said...

I have great memories, and a few souvenirs still, of meeting Eddie Kuhn when I was a very young circus fan. Go to: which I put on this blog about 6 years ago,