Wednesday, September 16, 2015

From Ryan Easley

Chic asked if Carson and Barnes still has a show out. This was taken about a month ago by Tim Tegge. Armando Loyal has the three cows - Lisa, Becky and Traci. He does a great job with both the act and the daily care of his charges. Sure have missed him on Kelly Miller this year. Numerous other shows have leased elephants from Carson and Barnes as well, including Hanneford, Jordan and Circus World. They just celebrated the birth of a female calf a few months ago - Dorie Marie.


Chic Silber said...

Is Armando 1 of Justino's sons

& maybe he's the brother of Timi

Chic Silber said...

Although the term "cow" may be

officially (& politically) correct

it seems very strange to me

I never understood why the term

"bull" became the universal word

when many folks in the business

referred to elephants but that's

just how it's been for decades

Maybe Buckles can explain it

("until the cows come home"

is an expression I know well)

Dennis said...

Never once while with Carson and Barnes did I hear the word bull. When a truck mired down in mud the call went out for 'elephant'. Of course the term might have been used out of my earshot.