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This also reminds me of a cluster ball assembly I built for Jacqueline Zerbini with half rounds of 36" 24" & 18" in a stack with a 6 arm welded frame above it that had flexible chase light strips swagged from each arm to a central point below the bottom of the 18" & with all those curved surfaces threw great light If a similar stack was used inverted it would function like the truncated cone shown here but with much better reflection patterns Wade & still have the flat circular bottom surface
That suggestion will cost you a double scoop of coffee ice cream Wade if I ever see you again
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This also reminds me of a cluster ball
assembly I built for Jacqueline Zerbini
with half rounds of 36" 24" & 18" in a
stack with a 6 arm welded frame above
it that had flexible chase light strips
swagged from each arm to a central point
below the bottom of the 18" & with all
those curved surfaces threw great light
If a similar stack was used inverted
it would function like the truncated
cone shown here but with much better
reflection patterns Wade & still have
the flat circular bottom surface
That suggestion will cost you a
double scoop of coffee ice cream
Wade if I ever see you again
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