Tuesday, February 18, 2014

From Dave Price

Here's how the title change was made.


Chic Silber said...

In some industry paper that's

called a snipe

Ole Whitey said...

In circus billing it's called a crossline.

Billie Lou Henderson said...

The year in question was 1948. Bailey Bros. opened March 5 in El Monte and headed north. Business was booming, often three shows a day. Mack and Bob had their "falling out" over the Ken Murray performances (that was posted a while back), and we, Hendersons and MacDonalds, left before the end of March. Harry, Ruth, Susan and Grace Swank stayed for a while. Ruth "dressed" the elephant act until someone showed up to take it over. I think it was in Redwood, April 5th that Bob Stevens' problems started. Also as Stevens headed into Canada the floods were bad and caused detours and cancellations. Bill Woodcocks joined in the fall of 1948. It's all in Billboard.