Friday, January 03, 2014

1952 King-Cristiani #10


Unknown said...

Interesting mount for the wild west concert, would have been very exciting at full gallop. Very nice sign writing on the transport. Thanks for the great photos today!

John Herriott said...

Looks like Alice, Mona and maybe Marjorie, but she would have been smaller at that time. Even in 54 she was half grown. But the three were Floyds elephants and neither they were part of Cristiani as wer5e Cristiani herd visa;versa.

John Herriott said...

That sure looks like Matt Laurish in the photo with uniform had a cane hook. He had been around Floyd before cristiani and would return after. He told me that he broke Marjorie. Matt had joined out years ago working for my dad on Uncle Georges show and became an excellent trainer and show guy in general.