Often times you recognize the people, but not the name. As you know around a show you usually only know them by their first names and often if they work in some act, by that act. It is very frustrating when you know some one and can not come up with their name. Jackie LeClaire
Sure hope Jackie or someone will identify these RBBB people. Thanks. johnny
Some very good looking ladies &
the girls riding them aren't bad
(da dum dum) Just some of Dave's
vaudeville humor
Often times you recognize the people, but not the name. As you know around a show you usually only know them by their first names and often if they work in some act, by that act. It is very frustrating when you know some one and can not come up with their name. Jackie LeClaire
They are taking some sort of publicity picture.
Those are polo mallets.
Mallets...we don't need no stinkin' mallets. Who are these gorgeous lovelies?
Jackie: Truer words were never spoken and thank you so much for all your wonderful input.
I thought it was a croquet game
but didn't see any sticky wickets
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