Saturday, September 07, 2013

Martin & Osa Johnson #2

To help tie the expedition footage together, new scenes were filmed in Hollywood, with Osa appearing as herself and an unidentified actor portraying Martin. (Martin Johnson had died in the crash of a Western Air Express Boeing 247 commercial flight near Newhall, California in 1937. Osa was severely injured in that same crash but recovered.) In these new Hollywood scenes, Martin’s stand-in was photographed with his face either partially or completely hidden.


John Herriott said...

What a fitting segment of your blog. I recall in 46 in high school during a study hall break I would go into our school library [not very big] and they had all of the Johnson's books. What a treat, especially with the photos. Now In this blog I find so much more about these fabulous people. Thanks so much for reawakining me back to this subject. johnny