Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ringling 1952 Spec #1 (From Don Curtis)

RBBB%20Float,1952, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hello Buckles,
I recently came across some random photos that I took on the backyard of Ringling in 1952. They are not very good quality but I thought your viewers may enjoy them anyway. According to the program, the spec that year was "The Good Old Times". Perhaps someone like Dom Yodice could give more info on the floats.
Best regards,
Don Curtis


Chic Silber said...

Would these have been Max Weldy

creations designed by Miles White

Harry Kingston said...

Your photos are always the best and do not put yourself down.
Seeing these in color for me is like Judy Garland going from Kansas in black and white to Oz in glorious Technicolor.
Color adds so much more.
Keep up the great work for us fans as we love it.
Harry in Texas

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these great photos. As Harry said seeing them in color is a big plus. You can really appreciate how beautiful they were.
Chic, these were in fact Miles White designed floats built by Studio Alliance of New York. Max Weldy didn't do the designing until the late 50's-60's. He did however do some consulting in the late 30's.
The Ringling specs of the 50's generally had about 6 large floats augmented by 5-6 small carts, carriages, etc.
With the exception of 1950 when they used two of the floats from 1949 again (revised some of the body)the floats were new every year.
They did however use the same under carriages each year. If you place photos of the floats from various years side by side you will notice similarities as to length and width.
The floats for 1952 were in order of appearance: Chariot, Helen of Troy, Trojan Horse,Cleopatra, Fountain of Youth, Carriage, Pocahantas & John Smith, Cannon Cart, Carriage, Midget Car, Bell Wagon w/Swan Elephants, Wine Glass w/Lobster Elephants.
The 1951 Ringling spec is my all time favorite but the 1952 spec runs a close second. If you see movies of the 52 spec you can see how beautiful and extravagant it was.
p.s. Jeanne Krause was usually the showgirl that played Helen of Troy.

Anonymous said...

Don (Potentate of the portrait), I strongly second Harry's comments about your photos and in the long broad scope of history, especially Circus History, any viewable photograph is a record of worth. Please send Buckles some more.

Paul Gutheil

Anonymous said...

Dom, You are A May Zing, Now what were the names of everyone and every animal in the 1951 Spec?
This is a lol question. God knows you could probably answer it.

In continuing awe,

Paul Gutheil