Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Disaster Strikes the X-Ray Room!

Having grown weary of listening to my complaints about the Arthritis in my neck and shoulders Dalilah called from work yesterday morning telling of a Doctor's Appointment she had made for me later in the day.
Once there the Doctor told me it came as the result of a long period of poor posture and sent me next door for X-Rays. Once there I was escorted by a lady to a locker room and ordered to remove all my clothes, place them in a locker and handed me a green Kung-Fu suit.
My wife has a deep aversion to the color green and I hesitated briefly but decided, "What the hell could possibly go wrong?"
Thus fitted I was taken to the X-Ray Room and another lady took over positioning me before the screen in various positions, facing the camera, back to the camera, sideways to the camera, ect. and at each pose the chant was "Inhale deeply, hold it, hold it.....Alright Exhale!.
The last pose was more complicated, standing sideways I was told reach as high as I could with my left hand against the screen and as low as I could with the other.
At the command of "Inhale Deeply!" my green Kung-Fu pants suddenly dropped down around my ankles.
When the Attendant finally turned to face me she was greeted by the sight of the Mighty Blog Meister on one foot, arms spread like an air plane coming in for a landing, with his bare ass hanging out!.


Anonymous said...

...and the x-rays showed...nothing?
Cindy Potter

Buckles said...

No idea.
I return later this afternoon to begin therapy.

Ole Nervous Whitey said...

You think you got troubles.

I have a prostate biopsy coming up.

That's when you really lose all sense of privacy.

Harry Kingston said...

You should have gone into a song Moon over Miami.
Harry in Texas

Frank Ferrante said...

Buckles -

That was the best present you could have given me today. Our office phones have been going up and down every few mintues, nothing is getting done and everyone is frustrated - you made my day! ~frank

Anonymous said...

Happy to know you have not forgotten how to style!

The neck problems are more than likely a result of looking at too many damsels on Cleopatra floats!

All the best to you, Barbara, and family.
Erik Jaeger



I pray that everything turns out alright.

Bless your sense of humor at an awkward moment.

Did the nurse faint or fall in love?

Hi to the family!

Buckles said...

I'd say her expression was about the same as the Doctor that delivered Elton John's baby.

Anonymous said...

At least you have one to biopsy. Mine went 13 years ago.
Bob Kitto

Chic Silber said...

I'm just disappointed that there

is no accompanied photo

If they were taking images of

your neck why the green pants

Maybe so they can charge extra

I'm sure it's not the 1st time

you've been left with your

ass hanging out

Sure hope your neck feels better

Karen Glenn said...

It makes no sense why you had to put on the pants they provided since it was your neck and shoulders being xrayed....one reason our insurance is so high! Bet it was funny though!! We would have paid money to see that. I have had more neck trouble since the show and Major knocking me in the neck that anyone can ever believe....over 30 years...you are headed for fun with Physical therapy, pain pills, muscle relaxers, pulling, stretching, traction, heating pads, MRI's, more Xrays (more money for ins) and much more fun and excitement. I will carry Major's pain forever they say, have had one disc fused and another one on the way. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Fellow Arthritic and Prostate Problem brothers,
As my cousin's Mother-In-Law used to say , and she was a lovely soft spoken woman, "Getting old sucks!"

Ole Nervous Whitey, No arguments with your comment. I had two biopsies in early 2005, just to be sure, and it was early stage cancer.

I had to go the radiation/seed route and thank God and great doctors, I'm doing fine. But to keep this Circus oriented...
every time I went for radiation before I put my gown on I taped a Circus photo just below my navel (I wanted to keep things on the light side, but did not overlook the gravity of the situation.), pics like a lion with a postit attached saying I'm not taking this "lion" down. Every day I went, a new photo. The wonderful staff really enjoyed it and at the
end of 8 weeks they made a collage of all the photos and hung it in the control room. I guess I should have brought some CFA , CHS applications.

With every good wish to all of you,

Paul (keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to)

Chic Silber said...

We'll all have plenty of time for

this kind of talk when we're in

the rocking chairs drooling on

the front porch of some discount

old age joint waiting for lunch

Let's just hope that it will be

many years from now

For a few bucks I can get the

X-ray tech to photoshop my films

Buckles said...

I'm on a thing called Celebrex and I must say it's done wonders.

clownron said...

Celebrex, Celebrex... dance to the music!