Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Grace Swank-Davis #5

Tommy , Peggy & Mack, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Tommy, Peggy and Mack

"Elephants are "Ina", "Opal" and "Louie" all trained by the
master, Mack MacDonald"


Chic Silber said...

The central tub appears to have

the Woodcock "W" in the risers

john herriott said...

certainly remarkable. I am sure in years to come historians of elephant trainimg will see that he was the top of the heap, I am glad I knew him and was able to see so many of the results of his training.

john h. said...

There are alot of presenters. Not too many trainers, but only one Mac MacDonald.

Buckles said...

When I first went to work for the Polack Show in 1965 I left a bull tub at Mac's place.
Over the years Peggy kept reminding me it was there but by this time I had figured out aluminum tubs were a lot easier to stack and load.

Anonymous said...

Whatever their names are, what a wonderful display.

Are there any bulls out there today that do a one leg stand and if so would they ever be on the East coast?

Thanks, Paul G.

Roger Smith said...

The last time I saw Peggy, I believe in 1998, she told me Mack's tubs, props, stakes, chains, and attenuating tools of the trade were all still right outside in their barn. She said no one had ever asked for them, and everything from their career was very much intact in New Braunfels. I found this nothing short of amazing. Perhaps Ms. Swank-Davis can tell us of the decisions made for these artifacts.

Anonymous said...

All of Peggy & Mack's props, tubs etc are still sitting in a trailer. My aunts are not sure what to do with them. We know that a lot of the stuff could be sold and /or donated but, to who and where? I would like to do something with them before they all rot away. Any Suggestions out there?
Grace Swank-Davis