Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Grace Swank-Davis #4

Peggy #11, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Peggy, Opal and Mack.

"You will never see the like of this again!"


Bob Cline said...

Absolutely Amazing!

J C Hall said...

Boy if I just knew McDonald was this good with elephants I surly would have asked for his autograph upon meeting him.
A fine set of photos.
All I can say is (Huba-huba-huba)
A master Potentate of the Pachyderms.

Chic Silber said...

Wow no mechanics on either of

the performers unlike today

Them wuz the dayze

Anonymous said...

Damn, if I just could have been around to see this performed. This is truly magnificent!!! If there ever was a photo op at the Circus, this would definitely be in the top 3.

Paul Gutheil

J C Hall said...

By the way this photo has been taken
I notice your caution in also mentioning "without a net".
However it was.

Roger Smith said...

Buckles noted we would not see its like again. I'm grateful to be among those who saw this act in its prime. Mack and Peggy took this act to the top and kept it there. Wondrous Opal deserves her place among the most honored elephants. It is comforting to think of them all on the Big Lot.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Jimmy

I couldn't tell for sure

(glad you're paying attention)