Saturday, February 06, 2010

US Tent 1919 cat - res seat starbacks (From Dick Flint)

Here's a clear view of a section of starbacks--reserved seat sections--as illustrated in a big United States Tent & Awning Co. catalog issued for the 1919 season. Self-described as "The Largest and Best Equipped Show Tent House in the World," this 128-page US Tent catalog also contains an application form in the back for the Showmen's League of America. Both organizations were Chicago-based.
For the uninitiated, the back piece with the star folded down onto the seat for loading.
Dick Flint


Anonymous said...

What's thre origin of starbacks? Why the star?

Anonymous said...

You couldn't even sit on one of those for a couple of hours for the price today of the whole section back then