Friday, September 26, 2008

Polack Bros. Program 1964 #1

Scan10764, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Nearly thirty-five years ago two stalwarts in the wonderful world of show business joined forces to create a circus that has become the hallmark of quality.
Louis P. Stern and the late Irving J. Polack, leaders and originators in the continental-indoor method of circus production in this country, built an American tradition. Mrs. Irving Polack, with typical show-business courage, assumed her husband's share of the responsibilities.
Today Mr. Stern and Mrs. Polack, working tirelessly together to achieve still greater goals, are extremely proud of the fact that Polack Bros. Circus is internationally recognized as the quality name in the circus world.

(The text in this program was done by Parley Baer.)


Buckles said...

That was a nice little "Valentine" Parley did for Mrs. Polack but Louie was "the man".
Barbara and I and "Anna May" joined the show the next year and I never once set eyes on Mrs. Polack or even heard her name mentioned.

Anonymous said...

We were recently in Lansing at the shrine date and there was a Shrine band made up of the oldest Shriners I had seen in a long time. They were playing preshow ragtime music really slow and I had a flashback; All that was missing was Louis Stern sitting by the bandstand in a wooden fold up chair holding a mike and singing along.