Thursday, May 22, 2008

Roger MacDonald #2

Roger Mac2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Roger with "Panya" and "Jean"

"Roger and I worked for Hugo Schmitt in 1957 actually he was an Able Bodied Seaman that loved elephants but consequently spent most of his time at sea."


Harry Kingston said...

Not being an elephant expert that you are these two look great and well taken care of.
Two beautiful specimens of elephants and who ever is taking care of them knows his stuff.

Buckles said...

In today's scientific terminology, they are acknowledged as being "as fat as ticks".

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should send Joey your diet plan Buckles....LOL....

Wade G. Burck said...

I have actually had some individuals tell me that the public doesn't know the difference. Very good eye Harry, yes they are in great shape.
Wade Burck

Mike Naughton said...

Overheard today at our local luncheonette, two ladies discussing the recent RBBB Red in Albany, New York--one explaining to the other that there are 2 circuses that rotate schedules, this is the one with the "comedian stuntman", she went on in great detail and very accurate for a private person.
Then she sums it all up with this line, "They had female LIONS, the one's with the stripes."

I am going to start lunching at a higher class establishment.

Harry Kingston said...

Thanks Buckles and Wade for the heads up.
I have seen a many an elephant from the early 50's but back then what does a snotty noise know.
I saw all the 1955 Ringling elephnats lined up here in Beaumont, Tx but again what does a 7 year old know.
Off the subject an interesting story came up much later here in town.
Corersponding with Noyles Burkhart he told me about the color line at the 7:15 show. Hell as a fan I did not know what the hell the color line was, no idea as never heard of it.
He told me a sheriffs deputy came up to him after the 2pm show and Mr. your ass is going to jail if yuo do not separate the blacks from the whites. Noyles told me where they all sat and I said that just sounds like the town I live in and remember this down South.
Also saw Freddy Logan come down the street in the 1954 Kings Bros. parade on the KM elephants for King.
Thanks again so much guys.

Buckles said...

Harry, I was in that parade. Freddy was up front riding "Kay" and I was further back riding "Anna May".
The King Show elephants were away making the Texas Shrine dates.