Good afternoon: Buckles may remember Mark Rosenthal, then the large mammal curator of Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo who used to tape your talk on elephants. During the turbulent period of the zoo he left, but could not re-enter the zoo field. Administrators well-experienced in animal husbandry are no longer a hot commodity on the zoo market. They are no longer appreciated; they present a threat to the insecurity of the New Age zoo 'professionals.' Mark is now the operations manager for City of Chicago Commission on Animal Care and Control. In the big city of Chicago, experience and knowledge on wild animals are appreciated. He is in the position to inspect all circuses that come to town. They now have someone thoroughly experienced in elephants and other wild mammals, someone who has an understanding of the circus industry. I think that's good news for us all. Ken Kawata
Mr. Kawata, you are right about Mark's qualification's, as one of the best, and most qualified. I am having a hard time trying to fiquire out, how the city of Chicago, was smart enought to put him in his current position.
Wade Burck
Mark is very knowledgeable and very well qualified.The circus industry is fortunate to have someone like Mark in this position.
How many remember Alan Glish, the out of control, self appointed animal inspector in Cook County years ago. He seized lions from Carson - Barnes and when Beatty - Cole played Northbrook (IL), Dave Hoover took his cats to Lake County to avoid any problems. Glsh was a little man with a big badge. I don't know if Vargas had problems with him in those days. Thank goodness he is no longer around.
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