Saturday, November 10, 2007

Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. 1988 #23

cbcb-4-88 rh sc-31, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Monty said...

Please tell me why we no longer have Bale Ring tops like this. As I saw a comment just the other day, "this is what a circus is supposed to look like"! Truer words were never spoken. If it aint broke, don't fix it. Is the new Anchor top that CB now has that much easier to up and down?

Anonymous said...

I would imagine part of the reason is that if you spend a considerable amount of money on production hardware, you would need a tent that will enhance this. The use of an opaque tent would certainly help during a matinee performance. Also, todays tensile structures have far greater wind loadings than their ancestors. It always feels good to have a good nights sleep not having to worry every time your trailer moves.