Friday, January 05, 2007

What a difference a few years can make.

How does this 1981 Jimmy Cole picture stack up with the rest of todays offerings? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

When I saw the other photos of the of the " Incredible Shrinking Show" as you refer to it, and see all the diamond shapes, I wonder if there was a big think tank meeting and between all the powers that be over there they came up with the diamond shape " rings". " Diamonds, that's it! Diamonds will make the circus better! Why didn't we think of that 200 years ago! The public will just love it!" I know a lot of the cut backs are due to economics like many other shows have had to do, but if they claim to be the Greatest Show on Earth; don't you all think they have a serious standard to uphold? I do.

Buckles said...

As they say in Hollywood, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!"

Anonymous said...

Now this is a show that's worth $156.00 per ticket for super premium front row seating at MSG in NYC. I think I paid about $12.00 when this show appeared in 1980.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I mistyped, I meant 81.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What memories this brings back. I've been reading here for some time and loving every day of what you're doing. I was working at the Hagenbeck studio down the Freeway from Tarzan's when that show was built. I painted the cars, and wired some of the pullup banner lights . . . the banners were designed by a young lady named Cynthia Hamilton Surner. Thanks for the memories!
Bruce the Clown

24-HOUR-MAN said...

What show did you say this WAS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is the infamous Bentley Bros Bruce the Clown that is distantly related to the Warner Bros.? If so,mail us your new address.

Anonymous said...

In Latin circus means circle. In Greek adamas means diamond.So do we( to be you know kind of cool and well read call it the )The Ringling Adamas ?or The Ringling Rhombus? I'm so excited I'm going to the rhombus!!or Hey have you seen the new adamus ??

Becky Ostroff

Anonymous said...

I must say this photo says a lot. Seeing that show would make you want to go home and practice,Kind of like leaving Gary Johnson's, you automaticly go out and buy a gallon of Armoral.

Anonymous said...

REMEMBER! Tomorrow, Jan. 6th, is the grand opening of the 2007 season, of the other Bailey show, L.E. Barnes and Bailey Circus in Texas.
As I was typing this, the news was on, here in Tampa, and it was announced, Kenneth Feld is moving to the Tampa area.
Must be, he is moving near Buckles, so as to get a first hand look, at the way a circus should be presented, from the BLOG MASTER himself, BUCKLES WOODCOCK.

Anonymous said...

I remember, as a child, seeing the red unit when that edition came out and how it totally thrilled me from the moment the lights went out and the overture started to the finale. Guess I should be thankful to have seen Ringling when it really was "The Greatest Show On Earth."

Anonymous said...

Kenneth Feld moving to the Tampa area. In a few years will he be the next Mayor of Gibtown? It will hard to surpass the accomplishments of the current office holder.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Feld has purchaced a large estate overlooking Tampa bay, which he will call "Ca' D' Kenneth".

Anonymous said...

To Jimmy Cole - is this the Red or Blue unit?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Godall, this is the Red unit.

Anonymous said...

I love Jimmy Cole picture. The expression one picture worth a thousand words does certainly apply.

I like the idea that Kenneth move to Tampa is to allow him more proximity to Buckles.

My family has a place in Ontario which I am sure would accomodate America's master circus blogger and his dependents...

Anonymous said...

To JC Hall-- would be the one and same-- email me at and I'll send you better info . . . Do you still have my bicycle?