Saturday, January 06, 2007

From Raffaele De Ritis #3

Martin Lacey, helping as usher, in the big crowd that attended Circus Medrano on the evening of last December 31, in the sport building of Firenze.
This means too to be humble and to be a true star...

(Yes, but could Mr. Lacey withstand the true test of humility, by wearing a Bello Wig?) Buckles Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I recall Lucio Cristiani, one of the greatest circus bareback riders of all times, telling me the story of when he was a young man performing on Circus Krone in Germany and also worked as an usher. He said he once seated all the men with large mustaches on one side of the tent, those without on the other. This was apparently noticed by circus management, who failed to see the humor in this. Lucio was asked by management what he had against mustaches, he said nothing, but he couldn't understand how they kept their mustaches clean when they ate soup!

24-HOUR-MAN said...