Friday, January 05, 2007

See any familiar faces?

The ringmaster is obviously not a team player! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Looks like a Shriners convention.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

How come the Ringmaster's not wearing a Bello Wig????

Anonymous said...

Looks like a genetic mutation of a Nock Family reunion. (Bello, I'm just kidding, really, I'm just kidding. Now go to Walmart and buy another case of Final Net)

Anonymous said...

Even the ticket takers and seating ushers were wearing Bello wigs.

Anonymous said...

And when will the new Ringmaster start?

Anonymous said...

With the whole Bellobortion theme, is it safe to assume this is to be his farewell tour? I live his antics I thinkshe is very clever. I am just wondering if Kenneth and Nicole have seen enough of his gag comedy. Or maybe bello wants to perform in the circus instead of Barnum and Bailey on Ice

Anonymous said...

Even the band were wearing Bello wigs, but I noticed that as the last note of bellobortion was coming out their horns, they were yanking the wigs from their heads.

Anonymous said...

It is true Bello can't top himself in the same venue.After you've had a show written around your character.Congratulations, Bello !
What's next ?

GaryHill said...

The guy in the curl of the elephants trunk, kinda looks like Tim Frisco??

Anonymous said...

Ah...reminds me of the grand old days...I can see Unus, Otto Griebling, Clyde Beatty loving to be in spec like this, looking like that!

Looks like a bunch of pencil erasers!

Anonymous said...

If Bello’s lucky it will be like Cher’s Farewell which spanned three tours over six years and now she is scheduled to replace Celine Dion at the Coliseum at Caesars Palace in 2008.David Chabira

Anonymous said...

I would bet these BELLOBORTION performers wish they had some BELLODONNA after seeing these pictures. Can't make up my mind if this is a coloring book or an ad for a non animal circus. GROSS Is any one going to sue for defamation of cariture?