Friday, January 05, 2007

Miller Family #1

Kelly-Miller Circus 1945, Isla (Mrs. D.R. Miller) and Jack Fulton with "Tena".

I had a nice conversation with Kristen Byrd at the OABA meeting last Wednesday and she commented on how much she enjoyed seeing her family's pictures on the Blog.
Here are a few more. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

"Tena" must have been pretty young here. I always thought she was the "PLAINEST" elephant I ever saw. She was also the only elephant I was afraid of. I saw her take after "JIM BELLS". Her head does not look as pointed as I remember her. Everyone else just loved her. "OKIE" got angry at me when I made a crack about "TENA" The only time that I did. She and "JOHN CARROL" were a blast to watch. They have some meaning ful conversations. He talked more to her then any human while I was with the Kelly Miller Circus.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if these performers may have been in Culver City, Ca. in 1949? Tom Holbrook