Monday, December 04, 2006

Unidentified (From Wayne Jackson)

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Anonymous said...

Wade Burke?

Anonymous said...

I have NO IDEA who this is.

Hopefully one of our cat act experts will come up with a name.

Everything about this photo seems strange. The wardrobe, the mesh arena, the stage and the collar on the tiger all have my curiosity.

Anonymous said...

Gut reaction would be Roman Proske.

Anonymous said...

Bob Pruitt long time Gene Holter wrangler and wrestling tiger "GT" performing at a casino in Nevada, can;t remember name.
Toby Styles

Anonymous said...

Someone may know if this at John Ascuaga's Nugget Club, in Reno. Animal acts were featured there for many years.

Buckles said...

Mr. Jackson says that the picture was taken at the Dunes Hotel.