Monday, December 04, 2006


Doesn't this guy look familiar? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Windy Van Hooten?

Buckles said...

I remember the Van Hooten Show, they hung the tent from sky hooks.

Anonymous said...

The man for all seasons, from 1880 to now. Van Amburgh and Capt. Schneider would be proud of him. Right out of Central Casting.

Anonymous said...

Aren't those baby cheeks a dead giveaway? Maybe Rebecca can shed some light on the subject.

Anonymous said...


Buckles said...

No, but you're getting warmer!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's the Great Gambino from Circus Boy. (But then again I know better.)

Anonymous said...

That very same photo is on display at the Davenport, Florida Post Office.

Anonymous said...

It will dawn on me when I see the name. Its right on the tip of my fingers!!!! I got my "CHEEKS" mixed up.

Anonymous said...


Mike Naughton said...

It's Larry Allen Dean as he appeared as the doorman in the Wizard of Oz, "Bust my Buttons, come on in."

24-HOUR-MAN said...

I'llgo with Mike, he at least looks like Larry Allen Dean!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr Naughton is correct
the photo was taken on a small Japanese tent show called "Amazing Tiger Show and Yano Circus"

Anonymous said...

It's Larry Allen Dean. I saw him during the time he wore this vintage warerobe. I think he is the only one who could have so complimented this style of a past age.

As for anonymous, you obviously never knew Dick McGraw. To this day, he looks 15 years younger than his true age. You've seen guys like that--Clyde Beatty, Dick Clark, Audie Murphy.

Anonymous said...

Roger, I have seen Dick McGraw as you very well know. Both set of "CHEEKS". That was a joke. About the age.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Of course my eyes have been known to lie to me on occasion.

Anonymous said...

"Amazing Tiger Show and Yano Circus" is not what you called it when you left, Larry- You said "I cant' wait to get home and get away from this %**&@#! show! Good luck lasting here a year!" thank you for the kind support. I made it three and a half years, mostly because you didn't think I could! Ha ha! -Pat

Anonymous said...

I know Rebecca knows--but when these things are signed "Anonymous", none of us know who we're responding to.

Anonymous said...

good one Jimmy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the alledged Unidentified:
Not having his name on the tips of my fingers but rather tattooed on the tip of one, could this be the famous Larry Larry? Or that Larry is a Larry? At first viewing I thought somebody had finally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! But at closer inspection that UNSIGNED photo remains at large! Never the less, this character sure resembles the gent I went on elephant safari with on the exotic islands of Hawaii in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe ( unidentified ) has gotten over 20 hits. Could it be the late famous movie producer Ed Wood ?

Anonymous said...

Buckles, are you sure about the Van Hooten Sky Hook? I recall the Windy Van Hooten inflatable rubber big tops unless the sky hook predates this? In my youth I recall being sent for the Sky Hook. A word of advice to any First Of May, you will find the Sky Hook hanging above the sawdust pumps!