Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From Rffaele De Ritis #1

This is a partial view of the Knie 1994 sit-up. That year the act was presented by Franco (Louis' younger brother). Franco is still in charge today, after the family separation of that same year. In fact, it is in 1994 that Louis left Switzerland and bought the Austrian National Circus from Elfi Althoff. (But all the elephants remained with Franco). Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Seem to be sitting up there pretty good in this one! Looks like the same tubs also.

Anonymous said...

I am truly amazed at the wardrobe, style, grace, beauty and professional apearance all around of this elephant presentation. New presenters of elephant acts could learn a lesson or two here. The music must have been just as great as the rest of the act. No slouching any where.

Anonymous said...

Someone gave me some videos of recent Monte Carlo programs including a couple of Franco and the Knie elephants in different routines and they are suberb in every way.They best in routines, presentation and tricks. No question they are top notch and the imagination they use in multiple girls being part of the routines is so effective. I am not afraid to crticize and certainly give credit where credit is due, however I am certainly not a supreme authority but just an old show guy with alot of miles that has seen alot of things and that is one hellava tub sit up. But I must say that American elephant trainers have been highly respected in the field here and abroad going back to Louie Reed and The Adele Nelson performing elephants where Myrtle probably did her first impersonation of Sally Rands famous fan dance to European audiences and the elephant teeterboard as well. Its all great stuff and this blog is direct communication from use on both sides of the water and that makes it even better. Please don't stop.

Anonymous said...

I have been licking my wounds
I now feel a little better

Anonymous said...

What an inspiration to know as years go by I will still be able to do the back stroke