Friday, December 08, 2006

Cole Bros. Circus 1946 Rolling Stock # 12

Mother Goose pony float.
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Anonymous said...

Both the goose and the shoe are in the collection at CWM and I believe go way back to Bar num and Bailey.Lets hear from some wagon historian about them.

Anonymous said...

As you documented previously with a " Steam Caliope " some months ago I believe the evolvement throught the ages can also be seen here in a simmilar manner . The Original Carrage Structure ( Pre WW1 era ? )went by the way side & a newer ; less harmonious or appealing , contemporary Carrage Structure ( WW2 era ) came on the scene to attempt to add to the Life of a once Complete , Stylish & Beautiful Work of Hand Crafted Art ( I'm assuming had Magnificent Sunburst Wheels or Large Delicate Multi-Spoke Carrage Wheels ),
conferming the not so uncommon Thrifty Recycling actions of this era .