Thursday, December 07, 2006

Another puzzling picture!

I have long by stumped by this P.M. McClintock picture.
The man in the center, wearing riding boots, resembles George Denman and since the elephant men aren't wearing white helmets and tunics, it might be after the Ringling-Barnum merger circa 1920.
Yet the howdah looks more Corporation style.
The big question however is: What in the Hell is going on? Did the entire parade come to a halt so an Elephant Empress could dismount? and How did they manage to find a ladder in downtown Detroit?

(I wonder if this is the "glimpse of stocking", that Cole Porter alluded to?)Posted by Picasa


24-HOUR-MAN said...

Here we go wandering again, but when I was a little tyke my folks had a wind up Victrola and one of the songs I remember was, "Keep Your Skirt Down MaryAnn", about a girl showing her ankle.

Anonymous said...

I can remember when girls did not were trousers/jeans, etc.. And when you finally could, God forbid the zipper was in the front. One of my best circus memories about DR was when Darlene Pratte and I put on CAPRI pants and wore heels. DR said I finally looked like a circus broad. Made my day. I really miss the old geaser.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

The first time a salesman tried to sell my mother a pair of pants with a zipper for me, she said, "No, I bought him a shirt with a zipper & he caught his tie in it"!!!!!!!TaDaaaaaaa!

GaryHill said...

Maybe she just HAD to go potty?

Buckles said...

Unless it was Mabel Ringling, I don't think so.
Those old time elephant guys didn't like having to deal with women around elephants.

Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty snappy looking well tailored bull hands. Little different than Squaw Willy or Mysterious Whitey.

Anonymous said...

A word of caution To You Old Timers,
I Recently visited one of those shows in Las Vegas,tipped the maitre'd a double sawksi, he got me a seat right next to the stage dead center so's I could look up those dancing girl's skirts. As the curtain rose I discovered I had been jipped, It was an all nude review. Unlike the girly shows of the past(under canvas) modernizing is not all bad, with my new prescription glasses I've discovered air conditioning does effect topless dancers.