Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cole Bros. Circus 1946 Rolling Stock #1

#3 Mack Truck (chain driven) Water Wagon

Circus Model Builders might find these pictures interesting, taken in Wichita, Kansas 6/1/46.
Comments from William Woodcock Sr. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Buckles, I used to be able to click on the picture and it blows up to 5 x 7. Now I click on the photo and it blows up to 11 x 14. The photos don't even fit on the screen, let alone trying to print them. How come?

I click on Jimmy Coles pictures and get 5 x 7 but not the ones you are send out. I liked it the old way.

Anonymous said...

All these photos on today enlarge just fine on my computer. I like the new system!

Anonymous said...

they also do fine on my system
when enlarged long thin lines,like arena bars or guy lines,take on a twisted or checkered look
but most of them turn out to be "full screen"

Anonymous said...

I don't even try to enlarge the photos as I screwed up the first time and got the same as John G.

Anonymous said...

For some time now I also share a semalar experence to what John Goodall is it seams .
1 click on Buckles original post goes 25% to 50 % larger -
another click on " it " & it goes way beyond the viewing screen by 1/4th or so -
WHILE , someone elses post ;
- 1 click " usualy " moves it -
but remains " the same size " -
- another click ( sometimes ) still remains " the same size " or " SOMETIMES " enlarges ???
Most All printing is oversized also except for the ( small ) original post ! - It is confusing ?
Personaly - " I'm " more apt at working that " GEORGIA WAGON " than this Computer -
& I assume in my case ; the problem is somehow in the Setingup / Programing of this Devise / System ?
( way beyond my ability )

Anonymous said...

Bud, Shannon was kind enough to set me up for showing a picture when I made comments. He all but drew a picture and I still can't figure out where to put what. These old guys figured out this computer thing faster then the rest of us. Shannon is not an older guy, a smarter one.

Anonymous said...

Shannon where are you?? J Goodall