1938 was probably the worst year in circus history, the last season for Hagenbeck-Wallace and Al G. Barnes. Even the mighty Ringling Show folded in mid-season and had to re-group. Jess Adkins and Zack Terrell decided to take out a second unit that year and paid the price. They settled on the Robbins title for that show, a name that goes back to "Burr Robbins" in the 1800's and later "Frank A. Robbins". I was even on a "Robbins Bros. Circus" in 1949 owned by Bob "Catfish" Stevens and I recall that Jack Smith took a show out of Hugo using that title in 1965. The Cole Show didn't make the season and such features as Clyde Beatty were moved to this show to finish out the tour. If nothing else they had a nice colorful program cover.
Sometimes just a pretty picture brightens someones day. Just like your blog Buckles.
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