This is in Terrell Jacobs barn in Peru and shows his wife Dolly in practice with "Judy", "Modoc" and "Empress". At this point these three would run at the drop of a hat, "Modoc" took off in Peru and wandered around the countryside for a day or so. One morning a farmer awoke to see her standing in his field asleep, he approached her with a pitch fork and tried to chase her off but got kicked around for his effort. Later when Dolly had the act booked with Stevens Bros. Circus they had the elephants trucked down town each morning in the small communities where my dad would unload them along with a tub and do a few tricks right on the main street. Afterward he would stand on the tub himself and explain to the local citizenry the marvels they would see at the circus. One such day while making the speil he looked around to see the elephants, three abreast heading back to the lot, a local farmer delivering produce in his truck was approaching from the other direction and quickly made a U turn in an attempt to out run them. Could you imagine, that poor guy had probably made that delivery for fifty years and have this happen out of the blue.
The tubs seem a lot smaller in these pictures.
The man had a story to tell the world that no one else could come close to. Just like these storys on the blog. You just had to be there. ps: Did the elephants get any treats from the truck?
Two years ago here on Kelly Miller the show had ordered out a fuel truck to the lot to fuel up the big trucks. It was a pretty muddy lot and of course the fuel truck got stuck. They got the elephant to pull him from truck to truck. I saw the driver on his cell phone and his eyes were sooo wide! I can imagine he was calling his boss or family saying " you are not going to believe this!"
Was this photo taking at the kelly farm?
The Dolly Jacobs elephants were probably the first elephant act Bobby Gibbs saw. He told me he went with a school group to a Gil Gray show in Springfield, MO. When Dolly made the big elephants go through the small doorway and into the ring, he was amazed and knew what he wanted to do the rest of his life.
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