Saturday, May 06, 2006

Besalou Elephants #1

The name for this elephant act was the combination of the owners names Bessie Polack and Louie Stern.
Mr. Stern seen at right dockside during the arrival of his elephants in 1953 that were later moved across town to Louie Goebel's Animal Farm in 1000 Oaks for training. The man at left is Sam Ward one of the Polack Show's best promoters who handled the Medinah Temple date for many years.
The act made it's debut the following winter amid much fanfare.


Buckles said...

John Herriott told me that when he was at Baraboo, one day he was escorting some dignatiries around for Chappie when a lady in the group complimented him on his elephant act and mentioned hat she had recently seen the wonderful "Bobba-Luba" elephants in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Today 141 years ago,
Van Amburgh's famous elephant HANNIBAL
died in Centerville Pennsylvania
from eating poison laurel.
The elphant was buried there
for many years,but the skeleton was later dug up and transported to Chicago, and now missing.
Anyone have any clues what became of it?
Also would you have a old photograph of Hannibal that you could post?
thank you

Anonymous said...

I heard that Hannibal died from lung fever.

Anonymous said...

Buckles, what is the name of this elephant pictured?

Buckles said...

I don't know. It just might be "Targa".