Sunday, March 05, 2023


I learned not long before Buckles died that Patti Zerbini's great ivoried Asian male Luke had died just shy of his 38th birthday on the 24th of November of a troubling heart valve He was a very gentle giant that was never any trouble Patti now has just 4 elephants up at her "Two Tails Ranch" in Williston where some years back she cared for many of the "Ringling Herd" before their "Polk Pachy Park" She maintains educational elephant programs


Chic Silber said...

Correction about elephants currently

at "Two Tails Ranch" in Williston

with Patti Zerbini which include 5

senior female Asians "Patty" "Tika"

"Shell" "Bunny 2" & "Marie"

Larry Louree said...

So sorry to hear of Luke's passing. He was a gentle giant with a great sense of humor. He will be missed.