Monday, July 29, 2019



Roger Smith said...

I'm not your best wagon man. In the DeMille, early shots in Winterquarters had a bell wagon rolling by. I thought that one was larger, but is this it?

Chic Silber said...

I don't believe this is that

much larger famous wagon Roger

Perhaps Richard King knows

Chic Silber said...

Wrong again Roger this is a redo

of that same wagon as shown last

Tuesday the 23rd from Richard

in his parade photos

stephen t. flint said...

This is the same wagon that was in the DeMille movie. It was originally built by Moeller for Ringling in Baraboo. Aside from a few minor changes over the years (seat placement, top bell rearrangement) this is the same wagon. It's remained with the Ringling concern since it was built except for a short stint on the (Ringling owned) Hagenbeck-Wallace show in the mid-1930's. In the early 1990's it was on loan to CWM-Baraboo where an extensive restoration took place. Several years ago Mr. Feld took the wagon back from CWM and it currently resides in Ellenton, FL. FELD Entertainment built a stylized fiberglass, smaller version of this wagon which was used in the specs of the early 1990's. Although similar in appearance it was much smaller and mounted on rubber tires.

Chic Silber said...

I guess the spoiled rotten

selfish punk took it back

as a consolation prize for

dumping TGSOE just because

he could like the kid who

took his ball & went home

alone in shame

Chic Silber said...

His father & uncle would

have been so proud of him

He and his rotten sister

always blamed their father

for their mother's demise

Roger Smith said...

Thank you, STEPHEN. This is the history I hoped for, but I did not know Kenny has it now. And for what?

What a family. When Kenny went to sit shiva for his mother, Shirley, one sister arrived, the story goes, and went very seriously no-kidding nuts. Kenny had to be protected from her by his body goons--if I got the story straight.

We remember the Ringling show segment on 60 MINUTES, done by Morley Safer, in which Irvin was revealed to be "a bi-sexual philanderer". Might that have seriously affected Mrs. Feld?

As for shame, Kenny and his daughters know their name is forever stained with the shame of putting the Ringling show in the barn. Like we see in the crime shows, they killed their victim and scattered the remains. The demise began in earnest when he let those idiot daughters of his treat the show like a hand-me-down toy.

Chic Silber said...

Sorry Roger but wrong on

several issues including

the Aunt Shirley story

Mixed up with the Karen

story which was terrible

but not in a like manner

Isreal's wife Shirley

was a wonderful woman

She had no children but

raised Irvin's 2 after

his wife took her life

Karen is a real nut job

Nicole Alana & Juliette

aren't idiots but merely

spoiled princesses that

have no interest in the

business just like their

gifted father never had

As you know either you

have it or you don't

We are the lucky ones

Very sadly none of them

care except for the $$

Chic Silber said...

Several chapters of the saga

"Karen vs Kenneth" show just

how they deserve each other

Both despicable people

Roger Smith said...

I get the Felds out of order, but no worse than they do.