Wednesday, March 27, 2019

WQ #5


Roger Smith said...

Al. G. Barnes Circus City Winterquarters, on Washington Blvd., Venice, California. Going the other way on the Blvd., was MGM Studios.

That's the Barnes train encircling the lot @ Top. That long string from L to R from the Main Gate are cat cages. This is where Mabel Stark told me she saw her first tiger, a male Bengal named King. He provided her Epiphany, and she was introduced to her future. Manager Al Sands hired her, but not for tigers. The idea then was that a woman could not work them. Undaunted, she got on as a First of May showgirl, and learned the term Generally Useful. She told me she joined out on December 12, 1911.

Great history of this Winterquarters has been set down in CHS and CFA magazines.

Paul Gutheil said...

Roger: Your comments should all be recorded and archived in places like the Milner, RBBB, CWM, etc. Very much appreciated by countless folks I am sure.