Thursday, December 27, 2018



Roger Smith said...

Check back to my drawing at #1, to see the location of Mabel's dressing room. It was directly across the street from her cageline.

The little girl @ L, looking at Mabel is 12-year-old Kim Baer, daughter of Parley and Ernestine Clarke Baer. This allows me to date this photo as 1966, when Mabel introduced me to the Baer family.

I can tell you this. Only because Kim showed up with her school friends, and Parley helped set up the occasion, did Mabel agree to pose and sign autographs. Otherwise, she would not have welcomed "local rug-rats" knocking at her door.

When Mabel was turned out, on Friday, November 10, 1967, Okie Carr and I helped her move out of this dressing room. Almost overnight, Roland Raffler loaded it up with small animal feeds for the cages surrounding it. I moved it all back out, and for the next two years this dressing room was mine. Al Dixon, a show painter for us and for DeWayne Bros. Circus, lettered my nameplate which I nailed up to stake my claim.