Thursday, December 27, 2018



Roger Smith said...

Mabel wore this formal uniform, custom tailored by DeMoulin Bros. of Greenville, Illinois, through the late '50s. She did not use this attire when I knew her, 1965 to 1968. The barrel tigress is her lead cat, Goldie, whose nickname was Lady Bug. After the attack by Nellie tigress, in Phoenix, in '35, Mabel could no longer crack a lash whip, and thereafter used a buggy whip tucked under her arm, as seen here. The close observer will notice how badly crippled is Mabel's right hand. This is why she generally refused autographs, but I still have letters written to her family, very much in her belabored longhand.

Behind them is the wire-walk rigging, consisting of two 3/4" cables, 20' long, 1' apart, and 6' high. The dead end was a deeply-buried truck tire rim. The working end was tightened with a chain hoist.

Outside the cage, @ R, is the Hay & Grain Barn. The Elephant Barn as was there in my time was not yet built in this location.