Wednesday, December 26, 2018



Chic Silber said...

How humiliating as well as

torture for this poor thing

Never was a big fan of film

Unknown said...

This elephant, “Marjie”, under the care of Ron Whitfield so I am confident she got the best of care. There is no reason to imply torture. The head piece has nothing where the chin would be so she could eat and drink normally. When it was time to roll the camera Ron would give her the signal, she would tuck up her trunk and do her bit.
She was a very dependable elephant and always calm.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Charlie but I was sure

the elephant wasn't tortured

I was just kidding about how

this awkward & ungainly outfit

was worse than the phony ears

Is Ron from the circus world

I am well aware of how well

most all performing animals

are cared for

Unknown said...

Yes, Ron worked on Vargas for A short while and is very well respected by many great trainers from the circus world

Chic Silber said...

Did or does Ron own that elephant

Unknown said...

She was owned by Marine World, Africa, USA. She was euthanized in 1994. Ron owned his own lion act. Known for his cat shows