Wednesday, December 26, 2018



Chic Silber said...

Movie Magic Mixed Breed

In today's PC environment

this might be called abuse

Perhaps an Afro-Asian

Charles Hanson said...

Many thanks for showing this photo....How little we knew back in those days of innocence ....And you are so correct that in today's world the AR folks would lose their minds....Probably demand counseling sessions for those elephants who had to endure the ear humiliation while filming....

Chic Silber said...

Those AR phonies might claim

counseling but they probably

would euthanize them like so

many of the dogs & cats they

say they rescue

Richard Reynolds said...

This is one of the Asian elephants MGM had made up to look like an African in the early Weismuller Tarzan movies. I do not know the man with the hat. The lady is Tarzan's mate "Jane" - -Marureen O'Sullivan. And of course there is Johhnny Weismuiler as Tarzan himself.

Roger Smith said...

Johnny's first film in the loin cloth was 1932's TARZAN THE APE MAN. Shooting began in the fall of 1931, and since Johnny was an Olympic swimming champ, he was to swim in every picture. Louis Goebel learned filming was to begin at nearby Lake Sherwood, and he had all his animal trucks lined up the night before, on the road to the location. When MGM's crews showed up, Goebel informed them here are the animals they needed. He booked them all, and thus had the key animals on all 12 of Johnny's TARZAN films, all 16 of his JUNGLE JIM epics, and the 7 TARZAN entries starring Lex Barker. Chief Henry Tyndall had the lead chimps playing "Cheetah" and "Tamba" for all the films.

It is a little known item that a young Clyde Beatty came out from Peru that winter as a consultant with some of the Hagenbeck-Wallace animals that Goebel's collection was short on. I'm not sure, but it is possible the elephant man was MGM's Ralph Emerson.

Roger Smith said...

Sometime, let's get CHIC to run a TARZAN series so I can tell about the nude swimming scene in 1934's TARZAN AND HIS MATE. No fair peeking until then.

Chic Silber said...

I'll put it on the wish list Roger

Eric said...

Might not that be Edgar Rice Burroughs?

4pawfan said...

Eric, that looks like Edgar and that might be Emma his first wife. I know that he later married Florence, but she was much younger then him. Most of the photos I have seen over the years, he was much older. p.j. holmes