Friday, September 07, 2018



Chic Silber said...

My notes weren't correct

So some of these had been

with the group on June 19

I confused 2 lists

Chic Silber said...

I've made worse mistakes

(and likely will again)

Chic Silber said...

Jeannette (whose name is

spelled with 2 Ns although

mostly shown with only 1)

is the eldest of Albert &

Maria Rix's 3 children

She continues to work with

& exhibits bears at fairs

as well as other events to

educate folks about them

Her sister Susan also has

BIG bears for similar use

Their brother Christopher

is involved in fitness

training but they all

live near one another

Some of the greatest

folks in the business

Roger Smith said...

I first had the privilege of meeting Mr. Rix and Jeannette when the visited us on the Castle show, in '72. Jeannette was beautiful beyond belief, as she is in this photo. My continued respects to all the Rix family.

Wade G. Burck said...

When folk's talk about the "big shows" of the past they forget the show the late, great Paul Kaye took to Japan in 1983(sold out every show.) What a memory, spending 21 some hour's on a cargo plane, going and coming back with the Rix's and their bears and the 17 Hawthorn tigers and a pilot, co-pilot, navigator and a coffee pot. We used a trap door to go down into the belly of the plane to care for the animals. I wish Albert had written 4 or 5 book's about his life experience's starting with his early day's at Hagenbeck Zoo.

Wade Burck