Saturday, September 08, 2018

CLOWNS 2 #12


Chic Silber said...

Oleg Popov was the most famous

Russian clown who headlined

not only the Moscow Circus but

other shows throughout Europe

He was with the 1st US tour

of "The Moscow Circus" in 67

I worked a frontlight during

their engagement in the "Old

Garden" (#3)

Roger Smith said...

The best circus artists in Russia, including those from the state circus schools, were among the finest performers the world might see, and all were under severely heavy-handed oppression from their immediate official handlers. We learned of this first hand from acts who came over for the Ringling show from any Iron Curtain nation. They were allotted a $7 per diem to live on, and were reminded constantly that they were under strict supervision by those named Director, such as the Polish Director, East German Director, Bulgarian Director, and so on. They got to come to America to see what freedoms, even once here, they were denied.

History in our lifetime saw 70 years of Soviet communism collapse under the combined powers of President Ronald Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II.