Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11 #7


Chic Silber said...

The lights at the top of

the Empire State Building

are visible right of center

She remains the reigning

queen of the NY skyline

Chic Silber said...

I was in the Circus Theater

in Schevenigen Netherlands

working on a Disney Musical

"Aida" the morning of 9/11

on the phone with my pal in

NY confirming color codes

when he saw & heard the TV

news of each of the towers

plane crahes & the ultimate

destruction of them both

There were 7 of us from the

US team there at the time

Joop Van Den Enden came to

the theater from his office

in Amsterdam to shut down

the installation load in

Joop remains the leading

producer & theater owner

of Europe & is benevolent

He offered to help all of

us communicate with home

After 2 days off we went

back to finish the work

No return air travel was

available for many days

We were treated royally

for those extra days

I'll Never Forget

Chic Silber said...

Joop & I share a birthday

We are the same age & we

both had 5 way bypasses

nearly at the same time

12 years ago (& counting)

I have worked on several

shows for his production

company Stage Entertainment

Chic Silber said...

Joop is pronounced "Yope"