Thursday, July 26, 2018



Chic Silber said...

I received a call from Howard Cowdrick

who has been Dave's partner many years

He told me that Dave had died peacefully

in his sleep at home on Monday

Very sad news indeed

Bob Cline said...

The Big "E" had a nice Dave Merrifield display in their Circus Museum.

Chic Silber said...

Dave with his pilot partner Jim Grogan

worked many summers for Tommy Bartlett

at the Wisconsin Dells water ski show

He also had a nice route of Fair dates

Chic Silber said...

It was Dave & another good friend

Petey Kinosh who introduced me to

my exwife Kandy Garden but I don't

hold that against them as we left

on very good terms

Chic Silber said...

David's wishes were to not have

any kind of service or gathering

Howard is complying with that

His ashes will be interred at

the Sarasota National Cemetary

Roger Smith said...

The man was a sensation. This is one of the few acts in my thoughts that were so impossibly dangerous, it should never have been performed. That he made a career of it is beyond anything I'd have ever tried. He was among the true stars. May he RIP.