Wednesday, April 06, 2016

#10 Acme



Jimmy Cole, Dave Hoover and Dave Price(maybe)

Paul Gutheil said...

Dave "Ol Whitey" Price for sure.

Chic Silber said...

Yup it's Dave (Ol Whitey)

During the presentation

of Jimmy's model of the

Beatty Arena act

Unknown said...

Yes, I guess, Dave Price. I know Dave since he was about 23 years of age and he was posting bills. Saw him later on BC and then it took about forty years for our next visit!

His Dad's magic collection and Dave's Beatty collection were sights to behold.

Bob Good

Chic Silber said...

Sure hope he is doing OK

He hasn't commented lately

I'll give him a call later

Roger Smith said...

Photo taken at the late Dave Hoover's home at 875 Liberty Court, in DeLand, when Jimmy displayed his model of the Clyde Beatty act, which Dave had commissioned.

Chic Silber said...

I spoke with Dave's son John

today & he told me that his

dad is doing just fine