Tuesday, September 15, 2015

1978 Blue Show

Between dates while the show was enroute, my wife and Bobby Johnson would go on to bigger and better things as seen here in Las Vegas........this Show Biz is All Right! 


Chic Silber said...

Not unlike the Mc & Mac cofusion

Bobby's name was JOHNSEN not Johnson

Chic Silber said...

Bobby was an all around great fellow

& a very good friend to many of us

Hard to believe he's gone 25 years

Chic Silber said...

To add to the accumulation

I had amassed in both my

shop & warehouse over the

years I inherited another

great trash & treasure trove

from Bobby when he died

(much of it still remains)

Chic Silber said...

I 1st met Bobby in 66 when he

accompanied Art Concello when

Art bought out Bonnie Kernan

in part to get even with Frank

& spent much of the season on

the road with the Beatty Show

66 became a banner year with

the entire Bale Family as well

as Manfred Fritch as Doval on

the high wire (all class acts)