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No where near this switch junction but within 10 miles of it in the past 3 weeks there have been 2 Amtrak Silver Star vs car crashes (Amtrak won both events)
The Silver Star is 1 of the 2 daily Amtrak trains between NY & Miami (2 each way) Both the Star & the Silver Meteor were names from the Seaboard Airline Railway "Silver Service" It is the only pair of trains that takes a side route through Tampa & offers dedicated motor coach connection to Sarasota I've had the pleasure of this train on 6 of my trips in the last 2 years to break up my very frequent flying & it's relaxed travel with no TSA 1 of the advantages of being semi retired
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No where near this switch junction but
within 10 miles of it in the past 3 weeks
there have been 2 Amtrak Silver Star vs
car crashes (Amtrak won both events)
The Silver Star is 1 of the 2
daily Amtrak trains between
NY & Miami (2 each way) Both
the Star & the Silver Meteor
were names from the Seaboard
Airline Railway "Silver Service"
It is the only pair of trains
that takes a side route through
Tampa & offers dedicated motor
coach connection to Sarasota
I've had the pleasure of this
train on 6 of my trips in the
last 2 years to break up my
very frequent flying & it's
relaxed travel with no TSA
1 of the advantages of being
semi retired
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