Monday, June 08, 2015

Sells-Floto #6


Harry Kingston said...

That's probably Capt Curtiss supervising the unloading of this spool wagon.
Harry in Texas

Roger Smith said...

BANDWAGON has detailed histories of this and other spool wagons. The one seen here was a nascent version that didn't prove out too well. As we see, horses had to drag the folds across the lot, which was one thing. But this same heavy load had to be re-spooled, and the one way to get it back was dragging it again. Various motors were tried to lessen the strain on the horses, but it was quite a time before better spool wagons came along, and Cap Curtis was there to supervise improvements. His genius also extended to welcome innovations for seating.

Roger Smith said...

Right, HARRY. That's Cap Curtis and his suspenders with his back to us. He was a circus man's circus man.